Flying Fat Girl!

I don't need to outrun the Zombies, I just need to outrun you!

Race Season Cometh!

Yesterday we finished week 5 on my re-learn to run. 4:1 was great, SO much better than 3:1, SO much better!

With race season starting for me next week I don’t really feel ready for my first 5k but I will do my best and that is all I need to do. I am proud that I am back up and running after all that has happened in the past few months, hell I am proud I put a pair sneakers and even TRIED to run. Go Me!

Yesterday Mrs. Coach and I went a seminar put on by Sole Sisters, it was amazing, such a great energy in the room all those women, different ages, races, sizes. It was wonderful. I can’t wait for the actual race day.

But first I have to get through Benny’s Bulldog next weekend and Bluenose in 3 weeks. I don’t care about timing or speed I just want to cross that finish line!

Tuesday we start 5:1 and I am psyched to be half way to my end goal and if I can count on my past experiences the running actually gets easier.



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Week Three – Sum Up



What is it with week three?? Last go around week three was when Lulu passed away. This time around I am feeling lost in a mud puddle of emotional turmoil.  I don’t know if it is the cold that just won’t end, Grammy dying or the complete cluster fuck that has become my employment situation, in all likelihood it is some combination of all the above. But Whatever the cause I spent the week trying to run out my feelings.  

We are back up to 2:1 and it was good, it felt like I was finally hitting a decent pace and more of a challenge. My first two runs were decent, we had a new route. Mrs. Coach and I seemed to be in good synch, Even the weather was mostly cooperative. 

But today… urg today I feel rough! A combination of really poor sleep and terrible eating for a few days, plus a really cold morning made me sluggish and cranky. My muscles in my legs were stiff and protesting, I needed an extra walk break for sure. And while I can usually bury my feelings beneath my running shoes, today I just kept feeling mentally worse and worse. My head cold picked this morning as well so I just decided to admit defeat, climb into my mud puddle and wallow. 

But I ran, and that counts for something, right?